In golf, it is tempting to try to fix your whole swing all at once. When you have a rough day on the course it seems natural to go to the range and cycle through about 10 swing-thoughts while trying to fix all of your perceived swing flaws. However this is not a process that […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Set-up and Finish are ImportantThis simple drill to check your shoulder alignment will train you to line your shoulders up correctly every time. Here’s how to do it: First, set up to the ball. Then, without moving, take the golf club and lay the shaft across your shoulders. When you look down the line of the shaft it should […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Checking your Shoulder AlignmentIf the ball is above your feet at address, you will want to set up with a more upright spine angle than normal. Also, make sure to set up farther from the ball and aim a little right as well.If the ball is below your feet at address you will want to tilt more at […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Set-Up: Ball above and below feetDo you have a consistent process for reading greens? Or do you just wait until it is your turn to putt and then hurriedly guess the line and go with it? Here’s my process for reading greens that has helped me make a lot of putts over the years: 1. Read the slope from […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Reading GreensFinishing with my right arm straight on short game shots allows me to make solid contact every time. If my right arm were to bend too soon through impact, the club-head would come up too soon which might cause a bladed shot. Because I finish with my right arm straight, the club-head will travel […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Short Game: Finish with the right arm straightCorrect wrist action in greenside bunkers allows you to splash the ball out every time.On the backswing, my goal is to get the butt end of the club pointed down at the ground as quickly as possible.On the follow through I have the same goal: To get the butt of the club pointed down […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Greenside Bunker Wrist ActionOver the years, all great golfers have set up with their shoulders square to the target line (the target line is the line on which they want the ball to start.) Some of these golfers set up with their feet a little open or closed, but all great golfers know the importance of setting […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on My Style of AlignmentAligning your feet and shoulders is the easiest way to consistently address the ball with your shoulders parallel to the target line. Some experienced golfers play with their feet a little open or closed at address, but all great golfers make sure to square their shoulders to the target line at set-up. If you are […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Feet and Shoulder AlignmentSetting up properly is the most important part of hitting off upslopes and downslopes. My goal is to set up so that the clubhead will swing parallel to the slope through impact. Below are my keys for mastering upslopes and downslopes. Upslopes: 1. Lean to the right: For upslopes, I take a normal width […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.Have you been pulling or pushing a lot of short putts lately? If so, you might want to check the first part of your backswing. A lot of short misses happen when the hands are the first thing to move on the backswing instead of the putter-head. I don’t like missing short putts so […]
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