• Find Your Foundation

    Swing foundations  vs surface level  quick fixes.

    Are you feeling lost with your golf swing? The quickest way to get out of a slump is to get back to the basics.

    Every golfer should have a set of fundamentals that are the key to their individual golf game. Usually when a golfer loses his/her swing it is because of too much focus on parts of the swing that are not truly foundational. In a good golf swing every true fundamental interacts perfectly with the other true fundamentals. If a player focuses on the surface level issues that are happening as a result of a foundational flaw, the player has a hard time ever playing consistent golf.

    My set-up, finish, steady head (during backswing and downswing) and tempo are my foundational swing keys. Notice how these fundamentals are all areas of the golf swing that have an element of steadiness and repeatability. I also think they are very simple and easy to maintain.

    The following is an example of working on a surface level issue before correcting a foundational flaw:

    Working on swing plane before checking foundational fundamentals.

    Good swing plane is a result of having a good set-up. If, say, I had open shoulders at address it would be a constant battle to take the club back on plane. Also, if I worked on my swing plane before checking to see if I was making a full finish, I would constantly battle to try to finish on plane. In the same way, if my tempo was quick I would tend to pull the club inside on the backswing. And, finally, if my head moves on the take-away or down-swing, it is hard for me to have repeatable on-plane rotation of the clubface. (Pure rotation can’t happen around a moving center point.)

    If you figure out foundational keys that you can check when your swing begins to go downhill, you will not have to battle the hundreds of surface level flaws that are out there.



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