• How I Practice

    How I PracticeDo you have a plan for every time you go to practice? Carrying out a simple concept during my practice sessions has helped my scores drop dramatically over the last few years.

    I work a little on every part of my game during every practice session. I move from chipping to pitching to full swing to greenside bunker shots and then finish with putting. If I have more time, I just repeat my practice routine. I have found that it is much more valuable to my long-term success to split a 45 minute practice session into these 5 areas instead of only hitting range balls or only putting for the full 45 minutes.

    The most important part of my practice routine is how committed and focused I am on every shot – not how well I hit each shot. To be committed to every shot I must plan every shot. And, to make sure that I am staying on track and committing to every shot, I must evaluate if I was committed after every shot. This thought process is the foundation of my golf game. I plan, commit and evaluate on every shot in practice which translates to more consistent shots in competition.

    I used to measure my practice time by how many hours I spent. Now I measure it by how committed I was to every shot. Even if I only have time to hit 5 putts, 5 chips, 5 pitches, 5 full shots and 5 bunker shots, I know that I focus to the best of my ability on every shot in the practice session. And, because I focus on every shot in practice, it is much easier to focus on every shot in competition!


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