• Mental Game: Enjoy the intimidating golf shots

    Hitting over waterEvery round of golf usually holds at least one hole or shot that can intimidate you. Whether it’s a forced carry over water, or a tee shot with out-of-bounds lining both sides of the fairway, inevitably you will face an intimidating shot.

    When I first started playing tournament golf, I found myself not enjoying those intimidating shots. In fact, I would find myself walking up to the shot just wanting to get it over with. And, as you might expect, “Just wanting to get it over with” did not usually lead to a great performance. I used to feel this way because I spent too much time thinking about shooting a good score instead of repeating my mental routine.

    I have since taught myself to think about what an opportunity those tough holes and shots are. They are an opportunity to put all of my mental preparation into action and rise to the challenge.

    Even if you are not a tournament golfer, you can let this same principle work for you. Developing and sticking to a sound mental routine is key to enjoying those intimidating moments on the golf course.

    Next time you are faced with an intimidating shot just remember to think about it as an opportunity to shine instead of a task to be done!

    You can read about my mental routine here.



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