• When the Going Gets Rough

    Ocotillo 07 zoomedYou are leading the tournament by one shot! On the 18th hole, you smash a drive down the middle of the fairway, and then hit a beautiful pitching wedge that hits the flag-stick only to spin back in the water.  In your mind, is it a setback or an opportunity?

    How do you define challenges that come your way both on and off the golf course? When determining whether you are headed for true success or failure, your emotional frame of mind matters more than your current situation!  I know it goes against common opinion or common practice, but a positive reaction is the most important part of a path to success.

    Below are three defining questions that will help you gain perspective of your situation, and turn negative situations into positive opportunities.

    1. What is success? Before even beginning to measure success in golf or various areas of life, one must ponder the purpose of life. What will constitute as success when you come to the end of your life? I agree with the apostle Paul when he states, “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death” -Philippians 1:20. When I come to the end of my life, I know my success will not be about me, but about praising God for the work that Jesus Christ has done in me.

    2. Is change wanted? For some, the pattern of negative reaction is such a habit, that they take comfort in hurting themselves through bitterness and negativity. But Ephesians 4:31 says “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger.”

    3. What am I going to do next? In the example above (about the golf ball going in the water) you could either choose to get upset about the penalty stroke, or choose to get excited about the possibility of winning the golf tournament by chipping in for par. And, if you do come in second, you can either dwell on the bad break, or get excited for the next tournament.

    In my experience, when the going gets rough, it is super hard to stay positive on my own. However, my relationship with God through prayer and consistent meditation on the Bible gives me strength, and allows me to look at tough situations as eventual opportunities.

    I would love to hear feedback of how you have turned a tough time into a positive.


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